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Domestic Cult Spaces of Herculaneum

To view domestic cult spaces, click on a link below or navigate through the map at the bottom of the page

House of the Tuscan Colonade (VI. 17)

House of C. Messenius Eenomus (VII. 17/18)

House of the Telephus Relief (Ins. Or. I. 2/3)

House of the Telephus Relief (Ins. Or. I. 2/3)

House of the Telephus Relief (Ins. Or. I. 2/3)

Ins. Or. II. 1a

Ins. Or. II. 2

Ins. Or. II. 9

Ins. Or. II. 18

Ins. Or. II. 10

Ins. Or. II. 13

V. 10

House of the Argus (II. 2)

Villa of the Papyri

House of the Skeleton (III. 3)

III. 12 

IV. 17/18

Apartment at V. 6/7

V. 17/18

V. 2

Apartment at V. 22

House of the Tuscan Colonnade (VI. 17)

House of Cloth (IV. 19/20)

House of the Telephus Relief (Ins. Or. I. 2/3)

III. 18

III. 18

House of the Deer (IV. 21)

Apartment 2 at House of the Bicentenary (V. 15/16)

House of the Two Atriums (VI. 28/29)

House of the Two Atriums (VI. 28/29)

House of the Wooden Screen (III. 11)

House near Theatre of Herculaneum

Last Updated: November 2024

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