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V. 6/7 (House of Neptune and Amphitrite)

Cult Space Type:


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79 A.D.


Mosaic; Niche; Nymphaeum

Cult Spaces:

HC017, HC018

Room Function:



Located on the east and southern walls of the rear courtyard was a large cult space. This took the form of a nymphaeum and associated mosaic panelling. Taking up the majority of the eastern wall was the nymphaeum. This was a large rectangular structure, with a large central apsidal niche with a masonry podium in its centre, and two rectangular niches flanking either side. The interior of the niches were plastered and decorated with textured material, with the corners highlighted by the use of shells. The central niche featured a geometric pattern covering the main body of the niche, with a blue-painted grid dividing up the textured areas. The vaulted ceiling of the niche and the exterior edge were outlined with a green stripe. On the main face of the structure was extensive mosaic decoration which was separated into three registers. The bottom register featured a background of light blue with depictions of plants with white flowers (perhaps lotus). The middle register featured a darker blue background with depictions of hunt scenes on either side of the larger central niche. Above these were garlands of leaves and fruit with taeniae hanging off the end. Peacocks were present on top of these garlands. At the very top of this ran a frieze depicting floral motifs, hippocamps, and a male face in the centre. The whole mosaic was very colourful, with the use of blue, green, brown, red, and yellow tesserae. The top register of the façade was missing its decoration. Sitting on the top of the structure were three masks. On the southern wall of the same room was a detailed mosaic panel depicting Neptune and Amphitrite. Neptune was depicted holding his trident and a dolphin-shaped vessel, while Amphitrite could be seen leaning against a column holding a spear. The deities are featured in the centre of the scene, standing within a temple-like structure, flanked by two floral column features with a shell-shaped feature above. Flanking the entire scene were two detailed columns that appeared to hold up a frieze of scallop-shaped detailing. Much like the nymphaeum, this mosaic scene was colourful, with beige, brown, blue, green, and red tesserae being employed. The mosaic was also outlined with shells.


Wallace Hadrill 1994, p. 202.

Image reference:

Jashemski 1978

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