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IX, iii, 17 and 19-20

Cult Space Type:

Cult Painting

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 


Structural type:

Wall Painting

Room function:



On the east wall of the garden was a cult painting. It sat above a masonry podium/raised planting bed that ran around the whole room. The painting was divided into two sections horiztonally. The right panel featured Sarnus holding a reed and a patera from which water flowed into a stream. On each side of his head were birds in flight with garlands with taeniae present above and haning down the sides. The left panel, which was larger, featured a single large serpent coiling amidst aquatic plants towards a cylindrical altar which was painted in imitation marble. An offering of a pine cone was seen on top of the altar. Garlands were also seen on this left panel.


Boyce 1937, pp. 84-85 (#418)

Image reference:

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