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IX. x. 1

Cult Space Type:


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79 A.D.


Altar, Aedicula, Stucco Relief, Wall Painting

Cult Spaces: 


Room function:



Located on the south wall of Room 12 was a shrine. This was comprised of wall paintings in two registers and an altar. The upper register was conducted on a dark red background and featured two yellow serpents in stucco relief, the upper one being larger. The serpents sat among green-painted foliage. The lower register sat on a white background and possessed many of the typical symbols painted within domestic cult spaces. On the left, below a flower garland with taeniae at either ends, was a large maroon and yellow crested serpent. The serpent also sat amongst green and red foliage, facing to the right. On the right side of this register was a depiction of the Genius making an offering of wine at a burning cylindrical altar. The Genius could be seen togate holding a patera and golden cornucopia. The figure was outlined by a red aedicula structure. The base of the painted altar lined up with the top of the physical altar of the shrine. Interestingly, an earlier painting of a Genius standing within an aedicula structure can also be seen behind the most recent, suggesting a change in ownership of the property at some point. This older painting appeared to have lined up to match the width of the altar below, whereas the most recent sat offset from the centre of the altar. The altar itself was rectangular in shape and sat off-centred in relation to the wider shrine. It featured two simple rounded pulvini at its top and a simple stepped base. The altar was coated in stucco and appears to have been painted in imitation red and yellow marble. At the time of excavation, ashes of the last offerings made were found including pine cones and egg shells, favourite offerings to the Serpents. Remnants of further painted foliage can be seen on the wall to the right side of the altar.


Pompeii E-journal degli scavi (06) 2023

Image reference:

E-Journal Scavi di Pompei 2023

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