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House of Queen Margherita (V. ii. 1)

Cult Space Type:


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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 

PP178, PP179

Structural type:

Niche, Wall Painting

Room function:



In the west wall of the kitchen above the hearth was a small arched niche. The niche sat 0.55m above the hearth and was coated in red stucco. The wall around the niche was only roughly plastered. On the south wall between the door and the hearth was a cult painting. The painting depicted the Genius carrying a cornucopia, pouring from a patera onto an altar. On each side was a Lar holding a rhyton and patera. In the lower zone were two serpents meeting at an altar. No decorations survive today.


Bull. Inst. 1885, pp. 158- 168; Boyce 1937, pp. 33-34 (#85); Giacobello 2008, p. 166 (#40)

Image reference:

Pompeii in Pictures 2009

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