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House of Menander (I. x. 4 and 16)

Cult Space Type:

Cult Painting

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 

PP002, PP056, PP057, PP058, PP059

Structural type:

Wall Painting

Room function:



On the west wall of a kitchen off the service atrium was a cult painting. The painting was conducted using bright colours, and depicted the Genius and the Camillus on a white background near a round altar, with a trace of a Lar on the left. The scene was framed by garlands, two in the upper register and one on the left. Under the central group was a fragment of colour, suggested to have been a serpent. The cult painting dates to the 3rd style and was probably not in use at the time of eruption. The painting has largely disappeared today.


Boyce 1937, p. 28 (#53); Giacobello 2008, p. 147 (#19)

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