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VI, xvii (Ins. Occ.), 42

Cult Space Type:


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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 

Structural type:


Room function:

Triclinium/Dining Room


Located on the east wall of the garden level triclinium was a nymphaeum. The nymphaeum was very elaborate, having as aedicula shape and being entirely decorated in mosaic. It would have overlooked the ocean. In the centre was a large apsed niche. The roof of the niche depicted a shell, while the body of the niche had three panels, the side two which possessed elaborate mosaic garden scenes of trees/shrubs. At the bottom of the central section was a panel with aquatic birds (ducks). It was from this central section that water flowed from a series of steps to the pond below. The different panels of the mosaic were bordered by red mosaic stripes.


PPM Vol VI 1996, pp. 44-145

Image reference:

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