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IX, ix, g

Cult Space Type:

Cult Painting

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 

Structural type:

Wall Painting

Room function:



On the west wall of the atrium was a cult painting. This was painted near a hearth that was situated against the south wall of the atrium. The painting featured the Genius standing beside an altar, holding a cornucopia and pouring a libation from a patera. On the other side of the altar was the tibicen. Behind the Genius stood the camillus holding a shallow dish and taeniae. On each side of the group stood the Lares, holding rhyton and situla. On the right and at a higher level was the popa holding a knife while pushing a hog. A dolium with garlands above it were present beside one of the Lares. In the lower zone was a single serpent gliding amongst plants towards a burning altar.


Boyce 1937, p. 94 (#469); Giacobello 2008, p. 216 (#112)

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