Roman Domestic Religion
IX, I, 7
Cult Space Type:
79 A.D.
Cult Spaces:
Structural type:
Aediucla, Niche
Room function:
On the south wall of the atrium was a cult space. This consisted of an arched niche with a vaulted ceiling, sitting 1.60m above the ground. The vault of the niche was covered by a large stucco shell applique, which sat above a moulded stucco cornice which ran around the interior of the niche. The walls above this cornice were painted red, while the wall below blue. On this lower blue section, human figures could be seen conducted in stucco relief however they were poorly preserved. Giacobello suggests that these are Venus and Eros riding hippocamps. On the wall around the niche was an aedicula stucco façade. This consisited of four engaged columns, two on each side. These supported a heavy projecting gabled roof instead of the typical pediment. The aedicula façade sat on a large projecting architrave which was constructed from moulded stucco. Below this, on the wall, was a square painted panel in red and yellow imitation marble bordered by thick red lines as if to give the appearance of a base for the aedicula above.
Boyce 1937, p. 79 (#381); Giacobello 2008, p.247 (A33)
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