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VIII. vi. 3

Cult Space Type:

Cult Painting

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 


Structural type:

Shelf; Wall Painting

Room function:



On the west wall of the kitchen was a fragmentary cult painting. This featured two registers. In the upper was the Genius, with a Lar to the right of him. Below the figure of the Genius was a tile embedded into the wall for offerings. In the lower zone, there were two serpents, one of which was coiled around an omphalos that was on a base. The building was partially demolished at the time of eruption indicating that the cult space was not in use at the time and its wider context within the property is uncertain. Today only a small section of the tail of a serpent remains visible.


Boyce 1937, p. 78 (#373); Giacobello 2008, p. 204 (#95)

Image reference:

Durand 2018 (Via Pompeii in Pictures)

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