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VII. vi. 3/4

Cult Space Type:

Cult Building

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 


Structural type:


Room function:

Sacellum/Cult building


Near the centre of the peristyle sat a cult building. It took the form of a small temple structure constructed on a rectangular masonry podium, accessible by steps on its northern side. The structure had a rectangular plan. Only 0.70m of the structure has been preserved, however, at each corner there was an imprint of the base of a column which would have supported a roof that was mentioned in accounts from the eighteenth century. In front of the structure was a tufa altar, placed off-centre to the steps. The podium of the structure had been decorated in red stucco, and it was recorded that the tympana were painted blue. A statue of Diana was found within the structure covered in polychrome marble.


Boyce 1937, p. 67 (#286); Bassani 2008, pp. 226-227

Image reference:

Pompeii Sits 1909

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