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VII. ii. 3 and 6

Cult Space Type:

Cult Painting

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 


Structural type:

Wall Painting

Room function:

Commerical Space (Industiral or other)


Within the bakery space was a cult painting, faded even by the time of Boyce’s recording. The painting depicted an altar in the centre with the figure of Vesta holding a sceptre and pouring a libation upon the altar. Above her shoulder was a donkey. On the opposite side of the altar was the Genius, also pouring a libation on the altar, and holding a cornucopia. On each side of this group were the Lares, holding rhyton and patera. Above the scene was a garland. The painting does not survive today.


Boyce 1937, p. 61 (#247)

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