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VI. xiv. 39

Cult Space Type:

Cult Painting

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 


Structural type:

Wall Painting

Room function:



On the east wall of the subterranean kitchen was a cult painting. The painting consisted of two registers. In the upper was a sacrificial scene depicting the Genius by an altar with a camillus. On either side of these figures were the Lares carrying rhyta and situlae. Across the top of the upper zone was a garland with plants decorating the background. In the lower zone was an altar with an offering of an egg with a serpent beside it. Behind the serpent was a vase. It is unknown if this cult space survives today.


Bull. Inst. 1878, pp. 86, 91; Boyce 1937, pp. 53-54 (#206); Wallace Hadrill 1994, p. 213; Giacobello 2008, p. 179 (#61)

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