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House of Sallust (VI. ii. 4)

Cult Space Type:

Cult Painting

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79 A.D.


Wall Painting, Shelf

Cult Spaces: 


Room function:



On the northern side of an ala, off the atrium, was a blocked-up doorway on which a cult painting was situated. The scene was set on a red background and depicted a blazing tripod with a Genius holding a patera above the tripod. To the left were the tibicen and a Lar on either side of the scene holding a rhyton and patera. At the top of the scene were garlands that hung down either side. In the lower zone was a single serpent. The scene was outlined by a blue border. Holes in the wall indicate the existence of a shelf at the base of the scene which was likely used to hold offerings or statuettes. The painting does not survive today.


Boyce 1937, p. 44 (#139)

Image reference:

Gell 1852 (Via Pompeii in Pictures)

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