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House of Orion (V. ii)

Cult Space Type:


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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 


Structural type:


Room function:

Corridor/Passage way


Located on the east wall of a small corridor off the kitchen was a rectangular niche. The niche sat 1.20m above the floor, and its interior was coated in stucco. The floor of the niche had three holes, presumably for statuettes. The niche's opening was outlined in black. Photographs of the niche indicate that the base was originally made from tile, and likely projected from the wall. In the wall below the niche was a semi-circular terracotta vessel embedded into the floor of an arched niche. At the bottom of this feature was a round hole, as if for drainage, and it has been suggested that this was used as a water basin or water supply.


Boyce 1937, p. 35 (#97); PPM Vol III 1991, pp. 854-869; Ossana et all 2019.

Image reference:

Pompeii in Pictures 2007

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