Roman Domestic Religion
House of D. Octavius Quartio (II. ii. 1-2)
Cult Space Type:
Cult Building
79 A.D.
Aedicula, Podium, Wall Painting
Cult Spaces:
PP140, PP163
Room function:
Sacellum/Cult building
Located at the northern end of the garden was a cult building, comprised of a two-storied temple structure. The upper level sat upon a base (2.86m by 2.48m), raised 0.30m from the ground. The base was covered in marble flooring. The upper structure was bordered by four red pillars (2.67m high). The corners of the structure itself were also constructed from four columns (1.8m high), which supported a double-sloping roof, with two pediments on both sides. The structure had a rectangular plan (1.25m by 1.55m). The structure originally contained a statue base, now removed, which Bassani notes may have been for a statue of Diana. On the northern tympanum remained traces of decoration in which Diana could be recognised in the centre, perhaps portrayed as Diana-Hecate-Isis, flanked by an animal, likely a dog. Below the temple structure was a nymphaeum that flowed water into the small canal in front, which reinforces the worship of Diana with its decoration. The nymphaeum possessed two columns at its front and a stepped marble fountain, embellished with an ocean head for the spout and a Genius/Cupid statuette. On the right side was a painting depicting Diana and Actaeon with landscape paintings on the left, perhaps depicting the sanctuaries of Diana and Apollo.
Bassani 2008, pp. 174-175 (#3)
Image reference:
Jashemski 1957 (Via Pompeii in Pictures)