Roman Domestic Religion
House of Medusa (I. xii.15)
Cult Space Type:
79 A.D.
Cult Spaces:
Structural type:
Niche, Wall Painting
Room function:
Triclinium/Dining Room
Located on the east wall of the triclinium was a shrine that consisted of an arched niche with cult paintings. The niche was stuccoed with the opening outlined with an irregular red border. The interior of the niche contained a depiction of a small yellow crescent moon, a red and green garland, a reddish-brown Medusa head, and two stags. Small red asterisks were painted on the ceiling of the niche. A larger cult painting was placed below and on either side of the niche, on a red background, and framed at the top by two red and green garlands. On either side of the niche stood the Lares, holding extra large rhyta and green paterae. Below the niche was a white serpent among plants with red flowers. Large realistic painted heads were present on either side of the niche; however, it is uncertain if this was considered part of the shrine. It is believed that the crescent moon indicated the worship of Isis-Artemis.
Orr 1972, pp. 159-160 (#28); Wallace Hadrill 1994, p. 197
Image reference:
Pompeii in Pictures 2009