Roman Domestic Religion
House and workshop of garum of the Umbricii (I. xii. 8)
Cult Space Type:
Cult Painting
79 A.D.
Cult Spaces:
Structural type:
Wall Painting
Room function:
Located on the west and north walls of the kitchen was a large cult painting, which sat above the hearth. The west painting was divided into two registers, with the top being largely lost by the time of recording except for the presence of two sets of feet resembling those of Lares. Below a red line, the lower register depicted a
garden scene with a bird and plants. The scene was bordered on all sides by thick red lines. The painting on the north wall was also bordered by a red line, framing a large red serpent approaching a cylindrical altar. Offerings of a pine cone, two eggs, and a dish of flowers were placed on the altar. The serpent was sitting in plants, with a green garland beneath the serpent.
Orr 1972, p. 157 (#21); Jashemski 1979, pp. 195-196; Wallace Hadrill 1994, p. 196; Giacobello 2008, pp. 152-153 (#25)
Image reference:
Jashemski 1968 (Via Pompeii in Pictures)