Roman Domestic Religion
Caupona and Domus of Euxinus (I. xi. 10/12)
Cult Space Type:
Cult Painting
79 A.D.
Cult Spaces:
PP075, PP076, PP077, PP078
Structural type:
Wall Painting, Stucco Relief
Room function:
Commercial space (Hospitality)
Located on the north wall of the front commercial space was a cult painting bordered with stucco moulding. It sat 1.5m above the floor. The painting was framed by two stucco doric columns, with egg and dart moulding running along its top and bottom borders. The painting itself depicted a brownish-red serpent with dark red scales. The head of the serpent had largely disappeared by the time of Boyce's recording. A red garland was painted along the top of the scene. Around the interior of the moulding was a thick red line, mirrored by another on the outside of the moulding.
Ruddell 1964, p. 79; Jashemski 1967; Orr 1972, pp. 153-154 (#8); Fröhlich 1991, p. 258 (L21)
Image reference:
Cooper 2019