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House of the Ephebus (I. vii. 10-12)

Cult Space Type:


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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 

PP046, PP047, PP049

Structural type:

Aediucla, Niche, Stucco Relief

Room function:



Located in the northwest corner of the peristyle was a shrine. This shrine consisted of an aedicula with a central apsidal niche sitting on a podium. The podium was painted in imitation yellow marble. The ceiling of the niche was shell-shaped stucco with a dark blue background and a light-coloured stucco frieze. The pillars of the structure were decorated in stucco with motifs of candelabras. In the frieze of the tympanum were cupids. Within the niche was a low square plinth painted in a dark brick colour used to support a statuette.


Not. Scavi 1927, pp. 50-52; Giacobello 2008, pp. 254-255 (V8).

Image reference:

Cooper 2019

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