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I. ii. 12/13

Cult Space Type:

Cult Painting

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 


Structural type:

Wall Painting

Room function:

Commercial space (Hospitality)


Located somewhere in the property was a cult painting, however, its exact location is uncertain. By Boyce's time, the painting was already heavily decayed, with only the lower portion of two figures, one of which was identified as a Lar, along with two serpents meeting at an altar with offerings remaining. Boyce made no note of the location of the painting, with the property being further damaged in WWII.


Bull. Inst. 1874, pp. 195-196; Sogliano 1879, p.19; Viola 1879, p.12; Boyce 1937, p.22 (#7)

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