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House of Queen Caroline (VIII. iii. 14)

Cult Space Type:

Cult Building

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79 A.D.

Cult Spaces: 

PP004, PP005, PP006

Structural type:

Sacellum/Cult Building

Room function:

Sacellum/Cult building


Against the north wall of the garden stood a cult building. It consisted of three steps which led to the top of a rectangular podium. The steps and the top of the podium were covered with colourful marble slabs. Two brick columns supported the front end of the structure, with the back supported by the adjoining wall. In front of the podium, on either side of the structure, stood the marble bases that originally held a herm. A statue of Diana was reportedly found inside .


Bull. Inst. 1841, p. 121; Boyce 1937, p.75 (#350); Bassani 2008, pp. 228-229.

Image reference:

Cooper 2019

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